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Home: Welcome


At MindfulnessForMen our goal is to bring calm into a world that can often feel overwhelming for men. If your looking for a calmer, more focused life - then the team at MindfulnessForMen are here. We offer workshops, blogs, individual counselling specifically focused on men's health.

A portion of all revenues go to the Wounded Warriors Charity and the Trauma Practice Charity

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Home: About


What does it mean to be a Man in 2019? Most of us are just trying to make a living and provide for our families while being a good Husband/Partner, Father, Son, Brother, Uncle, Community Member etc.
In the tradition of the Samurai and the Shaolin Warrior learn the Zen and Taoist practices of Mindfulness, Wu Wei, Satori, and Yin Yang and how they make us more powerful as Men;  Physically, Mentally, Socially, and Financially.
These ancient practices have been around for thousands of years and are now being supported by neuro-science, behavioural science, medical science, and performance psychology.  The research is clear; these practices allow us to be our very best in our families, on the job, and in our communities.
Join us as we go on a journey to positive change through meditation, mindfulness, yoga practice and learn the tools to overcome anger, alcohol/drug abuse, weight issues, anxiety and depression.

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Home: Quote
Oriental Statue

"The best soldiers are not soldierly,

The best fighters are not ferocious,

The best commanders are always humble,

This is the virtue of non-control,

This is connecting with the strength of others,

This is the perfect emulation of the Tao"   

Lao Tzu

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